Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Verydice: The App for stuff!

 Verydice is an App available in the Apple App Store (Apple products only), it focuses on a dice styled game to earn you points that you can use towards prizes, raffles or gift cards. Verydice boasts a 4.8 rating with over 23,000 reviews, so it's safe to say there are a lot of happy users out there.
What separates Verydice from the other apps we've review thus far? Well this is the first app that is more focused around being a game and there are no products or stores involved!

How Do You Earn Rolls?

Verydice as you can guess uses a dice game to earn you points towards the prizes, raffles and giftcards. Before you can earn points towards your prizes you have to earn your plays in the game called Rolls. They provide a ton of ways you can earn these rolls for your game, but we're only going to go over the three easiest methods you'll use the most.
Once you get the app open you'll go to the bottom left corner where it says Action Feed, that will show you the list on the left side of the page which is all the ways you can earn those rolls.
You always have the option to purchase Rolls under the Get Instant Rolls tab, this isn't worth your time and you'll never get your money's by making purchasing. It's best to stick to the free methods.
You want to start with the second tab View A Sponsored Ad. The advertisements you get will vary based on what's available, sometimes it's a handful of 10 second ads that you have to skip through and other times it's just commercials for different apps. You can use this tab three times an hour to earn 3 rolls. This can get a little glitchy on occasion and sometimes the rolls don't always come through, it doesn't happen super often and it's a quick enough method that I just ignore it when it does.

The second method for earning rolls is similar to the first, it is the Watch Videos for Rolls. Simple enough and exactly as it sounds. You can use this tab twice an hour for two rolls and it usually just shows you a 30 second advertisement for an App.
Those two methods are really the fastest ways to earn yourself rolls for this game, but there is one more method here i'll discuss and that is the surveys. I feel like any mention of taking surveys for any kind of rewards always gets and eyeroll and usually for a good reason and this app isn't any different. When it comes to surveys I don't feel you ever really get what you put in and they always promise more than they put out. Verydice uses three different services to offer up their surveys and unless you're desperate for those extra rolls I lay on the side of letting your hourly rolls add up over time and using them all up together to try an win a tournament. They can be good in a pinch for a few extra rolls but overall I found this survey service as disappointing as most others.

What are Tournaments?

Verydice offers a couple ways to earn bonus tickets towards your prizes and tournaments are one of the easier ways to get them. There are two types of tournaments offered Classic Doubles Tournaments and Lucky 7s Tournaments.

The classic doubles tournaments refers to the bonus you get when you roll doubles in the game. If you can roll a set of doubles for each number on the dice you earn a jackpot bonus that varies depending on your dice multiplier. The goal in the tournament is to get as many of those jackpot bonus' as you can the top 10 leaders with the most jackpots will win a ticket bonus starting 10,000 bonus tickets increasing to 200,000 for the number 1 winner. This sounds far easier than it really is though, it can take dozens of rolls to get even one set of doubles let alone all 6. The only good thing is that for each set of doubles you get a doubler bonus and they can appear in any order, although you can't bank multiples for later. In the most recent Classic Doubles tournament the number 1 winner had 126 Jackpots just to give you an idea that is over 756 rolls, so saving up your rolls for a while to have a chance in these tournaments is a great method to getting extra tickets on your account. The upside is that the 10th place winner in this tournament only had 28 jackpots which is still a minimum of 168 rolls and was likely far more than that but the number feels much more realistic.

The Lucky 7s Tournament really isn't much easier to win than Classic Doubles but it only takes three rolls to earn a bonus "Scratcher" which can get you up to 1,000 bonus tickets. When I save up to play in tournaments this is usually the one I go for mostly for the instant gratification of those bonus tickets! Each scratcher is guaranteed some kind of bonus and with it only taking three rolls to earn a scratcher I like those odds better.
     What makes this tournament different? Instead of getting doubles on all 6 numbers instead you have to get three specific rolls to earn a scratcher. If you roll a 1 & 6, 2 & 5 and a 3 & 4 you'll earn one of those scratch cards. Now you can get those three rolls in any order and you can earn as many scratchers as your rolls will get you. Tournament 91 shows the Number 1 winner had 113 scratchers (A minimum of 339 rolls) winning a bonus 100,000 tickets and keep in mind that 100,000 is only for the tournament prize it doesn't include any of the scratcher bonuses. The person who came in 10th place had 29 scratchers (A minimum of 87 rolls) with a bonus win 10,000 tickets.

Before you get to excited about some of those tournament numbers let me share my own experience just to put it into perspective a little better. In the past I've played the Classic Doubles tournaments but I now have a preference for the Lucky 7s I like the bonus points from the scratchers. I recently saved up over 750 rolls and entered one of these tournaments on a whim. I ended up taking a dozen or two surveys to try and get extra rolls to up my position and I must have earned 100+ more rolls and I ended up with 17 scratchers and I came in position 13 or so. So I was just out of reach of the bonus tickets BUT I earned over 7,000 tickets from the scratchers. Next time I plan on saving up 1,000 rolls minimum before entering a tournament i'm determined to get at least 10th place in one of these tournaments!

Earn More Tickets with Multipliers!

Verydice has this awesome feature where you can multiply the tickets you receive from your rolls by multiplying how many rolls you use at a time. you can choose to use 1 or 50 rolls at a time and your ticket results are multiplied based on that.  For example using the x1 dice if you were to roll a 6 and 5 you would receive 6+5 (1)= 11 tickets. If you're using the x5 dice  a 6 and 5 would receive 6 +5 (5)= 55 tickets. When you start getting those doubles it can be even more worth the multipliers, there are no multipliers at this time for the scratch card game.
Do I recommend playing with multipliers? This is very subjective it can be worth it, but it's still a game of chance which means it can also not be worth it. The only time I ever use multipliers is when I get bored and am willing to risk earning less per roll overall. There's no point in playing this game if you're not enjoy it at least some of the time, so have fun! When you only play to earn it gets old and it can be hard to keep coming back. Most of the time I skip the multipliers, I've always had more luck betting less but you may not find the results the same.

Daily Rolls!

I covered a lot of the methods to earn rolls up above but there is one more I haven't covered yet which are your "Free Rolls" or your Daily Spin. Every 24 hours you will have the opportunity to view a short ad (30 seconds of less) immediately following the advertisement you'll have the wheel above pop up on your screen, it'll go around a few times and you'll end up with a number of rolls from 1-10 in your account. 

What are the Prizes?

One of the things that sets Verydice apart from other redemption sites are the magnitude of ways to redeem your tickets. They have a HUGE bank of things that you can turn your tickets in for from daily essentials like paper towels to a Michael Kors phone case and wallet. 
Now the prizes are categorized by cost but to determine if you're really getting the most out of your tickets it'll take some individual math on the product you're wanting to redeem for.
They also have a tab of prizes called "Hot Deals" where they put some of their prizes up at a discounted cost of tickets. It's worth checking every now and again, you really never know what's going to show up.

Like many other apps they also offer gift card redemptions for your tickets. They offer over a dozen options for different gift cards including the highest denomination I saw which was a Lowe's gift card for $1,000 which costs 1,300,000 (1.3 Million) tickets. That is a hefty amount of tickets and it's only available in Lowe's and believe it or not Burger King which I find odd, but to each their own. 
When it comes to gift card redemptions tickets seem to follow the same line of pricing from card to card if not all identical they run very close to each other.
Gift cards run around 1,300 tickets per $1.00 the lower amounts like $15 gift cards run closer to 1,500 tickets per dollar but there isn't really a break for saving up for those high value cards.

There are Free Raffles?

Yes! All it takes is another 15-30 second advertisement per raffle but you will get a variety of raffles each day for free. I receive 6 free raffle entries a day and as long as I remember I try to use them. There are a variety of things given away daily from gift cards ($5-50 usually), make up brushes and even free rolls to add to your account. I won't lie I rarely remember to enter these. I have been using the app for about a year or so and I've only entered in a couple dozen raffles maybe. This is the kind of thing I would NEVER waste tickets on, but since their free as long as I remember I enter. I have never won anything from a raffle but it still adds a little extra excitement to the app and for the cost a few second I like the chance. 

What About Referrals?

If you're wondering about the referral program look no further. Yes, like many apps in this family they offer a few bonuses for getting your friends to sign up after you. Now I never like to include referrals in the ways to earn because it's never really a guarantee. How often have you had someone promise they'll sign up but you never see those points go in your account?  Lets be honest with each other here, too often. And I really can't complain because I know I've been guilty of this too.
Verydice actually offers two incentives to get you bugging your friends to sign up though, so this one might be worth a little nagging (and just a little). When you go to invite your friends you'll get three options, a Share Code, Facebook invite and a Friend Code (QR code). I love it when apps and sites offer actual links and not just a combination of numbers and letters you have to send a dozen times because it's impossible to actually remember. They make it pretty easy to get the link on your friends device, you can even text it to them. 
What do these referrals get you? Well on sign up you will receive 30 rolls for each friend that signs up, which is a pretty good deal, that is 5 hours of bonus rolls in just a few minutes. You will also earn 5% of your friends lifetime tickets that you can cash in at 500 ticket increments. 
I love any program that offers a lifetime bonus and 5% is pretty hefty. These tickets don't take long to earn and it's easy. Plus anytime you and your friends are together you can put out a casual reminder to get those rolls. After all friends help friends get bonus cash.

So, What Do I Think Overall?

I think this app warrants 3/4 Stars. It's easy and it's fast so you can accumulate a lot of tickets without spending a ton of your time. It's also pretty forgiving, there's no daily log in bonus so no pressure to really commit long term. If you notice my balance above is a little over 35,000 tickets and that's with a very minimal commitment over about a year. I have a love hate relationship with this app because I find it so repetitive that it just bores me. You can earn the bonus rolls every hour and it takes less than 5 minutes to earn the 5 rolls and I have made it a goal lately to earn at least 25 rolls a day. That has only been my goal in the past two weeks or so. If I really work to remember the app earning 1,000 rolls in two weeks is completely doable but like I mentioned it's boring. I've seen the same advertisement for magnum ice cream bars hundreds of times now and I don't think ice cream is THAT enjoyable, for Magnum it's not working for me.
Another problem I've run into with this app, almost every I know has already tried it. It goes around the social media's about once a year as being a trendy way to get "stuff" so unless you've caught that wave you may not be able to find much for referrals. That doesn't mean it's not worth it though, referrals or not I use this as a grazer. I'm just earning my rolls and tickets as I want.
One of the things that does bother me about this app is that you have to have the latest version or the app won't open and there seems to be an update every two weeks or so. That's more of a person problem for as many of these apps as I use you'd think i'd always have the latest versions of everything but I hate taking the time to update my apps.
I'll be honest anything that rates under a 3/5 is probably an app I won't use long term or maybe even at all. So far I've only shared apps I use myself fairly consistently but I know i'll get farther out into the sea of apps even I don't have the patience to deal with. 
I really think this app is worth the space on your phone and worth remembering, its just boring. Boring is just another word for easy though in this case, it takes minimal effort to go through the motions.

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